Knitting and Crochet Blog Week IV Day 7 – Looking forward


7 posts. 7 days. I made it! I really, really doubted my ability to pull this off but somehow I managed it! Some of the posts I have made this week haven’t been my finest work, but I managed to post each and every day. I’m so proud of myself! Let’s finish this then, shall we?

4kcbwday7 Looking Forward One year from now, when the 5th Knitting & Crochet Blog Week rolls around, where do you hope your crafting will have taken you to? What new skills, projects and experiences do you hope you might have conquered or tried?

Hmmm. This for me is a tough one. I tend to have a short attention span when it comes to projects, and I usually knit on whatever speaks to me at the time, be it a shawl, a jumper or whatever. As a result of this, I rarely make specific goals, however now’s as good a time as any to start!

So my goals for next year are:

  1. Complete my mascot project
  2. Design my own pattern
  3. Finish a jumper
  4. Learn toe-up two at a time sock knitting
  5. Knit something in lace weight yarn
  6. Hand dye some yarn

Hopefully these goals will be challenging, yet flexible enough to allow me to choose appealing projects that fit within the categories, which will stop me from getting bored.

I’d like to close out the blog week with some thanks.

Thanks to Eskimimi for organising this event, it’s been a lot of fun, really inspiring, and I suspect that I will be reading through the posts for the next month or so!

Thanks to my readers and followers. Without you guys there is no point in doing this, you all rock!

Finally, thanks to The Northerner. Without you kicking me up the backside and making me believe in myself I wouldn’t be writing this at all.

I hope everyone had a great Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, whether you participated or just read the posts, and I hope the coming year brings happy and peaceful crafting to you all.

Thanks for reading 🙂